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Endless Enemies (Game Prototype)

Developer (2015) - Unity Build Download it here.

Be sure to view the readme.txt before playing!


This project was made in Unity 4 by myself, to cover a brief for a based physics game.

Features two dynamicly spawned AI that are destructable.

This game also features audio created by myself via BFXR.


Endless Enemies (Post Mortem Document)

Writer (2015) 


A document detailing processes used to create Endless enemies.

Features early map and thoughts on design and reference for font used in the project.


Outside The Box (Game Prototype)

Programmer (2015) - Unity Build Download it here.

Be sure to view the readme.txt before playing!


Developed over 5 weeks in Unity 4 by three designers working on UI and level design, and myself working on programming and version control.

Features block pushing puzzles and some platforming.

This game also features audio created by myself via BFXR.


Knight of the Living Dead (Game Prototype)

Director/Programmer (2016) - Unity Build Download it here.

Requires an Xbox controller to Play!


Developed over 5 weeks in Unity 5 by two designers working on character and level design, and myself working on programming, version control and UI.

Features a variety of RPG elements and an Action style combat system.

This was my first implementation of controller compatability and did not include keyboard binds

This game also features a song by my youngest brother and other audio created by myself using Garageband.


Awakening (Game)

Programmer (2016) 


A web-based conceptual game made in Unity 5 by two film students, one audio student and two games designers including myself.

You can find the project hosted online here.

Tactics of the Tiles (Game Prototype)

Programmer/Designer (2015) - PC Build Download it here

Be sure to view the readme.txt before playing!


Tactics of the Tiles is a turn based tactical game prototype.

It features 3 classes with unique attributes as well as basic saving and loading of the characters positions on the play area.

Character designs were provided by Mike Blackney.

Asteroid Panic (Game)

Programmer/Designer/Artist (2016) - PC Build Download it here.

Be sure to view the readme.txt before playing!


Developed over a week in Unity 5, this project was intended to showcase some simple polish techniques to make a relativley basic game like Asteroids a bit juicier.

Features local machine High Scores and original art by me.

This game also features audio sounds effects created by myself via BFXR.

Music is by shrugo and can be found here.


Elemental Quest (Game)

Lead Programmer (2016) - Android Build Find it here.


Developed in Unity 5, this project was created over 24 weeks as the Major project for my Bachelor of Games Programming.

The battle system uses scriptableObjects for the different entities as well as thier abilities.

Full Credits are featured on the page.

Dylan Schoffer

Game Designer/Programmer

Melbourne, Australia

I am a passionate game developer that enjoys a challenge.

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